Book Raffle: Ginzburg’s Fear, Reverence, Terror

Book cover of Fear, Reverence, Terror by Carlo Ginzburg.

Ginzburg, Carlo. Fear, Reverence, Terror. Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 2017. 

In conjunction with the University of Chicago Press and Carlo Ginzburg, Age of Revolutions is proud to offer a revolutionary raffle of Fear, Reverence, Terror. Ginzburg gave AoR readers a look into his recent book in his interview this past Monday. Check out his post and enter for a chance to win Ginzburg’s new book below!

For a chance to win, simply enter your name and email below before 11:59PM EST on Sunday, December  10, 2017.

[*We will only use this information to contact the winner of the drawing.*]

We have a winner! Congratulations Alice Coulter Main!

About Fear, Reverence, Terror

We are surrounded by images, fairly drowning in them. From our cell phones to our computers, from our televisions at home to the screens that light up while we wait in the grocery store checkout line, images of all kinds are seducing us, commanding us to buy!, scaring us, dazzling us.

Fear, Reverence, Terror invites us to look at images slowly, with the help of a few examples: Picasso’s Guernica, the “Lord Kitchener Wants You” World War I recruitment poster, Jacques-Louis David’s Marat, the frontispiece of Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan, a cup of gilded silver with scenes from the conquest of the New World. Are these political images, Carlo Ginzburg asks? Yes, because every image is, in a sense, political—an instrument of power. Tacitus once wrote, unforgettably, that we are enslaved by lies of which we ourselves are the authors. Is it possible to break this bond? Fear, Reverence, Terror will answer this question.

Praise for Ginzburg

“Ginzburg has many claims to be considered the outstanding European historian of the generation which came of age in the late Sixties. Certainly few have equalled him in originality, variety, and audacity.”—London Review of Books

“Ginzburg’s scholarship is dazzling and profound.”—Publisher’s Weekly

Title image: Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937.

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